Zhanpeng Luo

University of Pittsburgh. ZhanpengLuo at Pitt dot edu


I am Zhanpeng Luo, a third year computer science major student at University of Pittsburgh (Pitt). I spent 2 years at Sichuan University, and then I transfer to the Univerisity of Pittsburgh.

I am interested in three-dimensional vision, real-time rendering and generative model. Specifically, I am working on the optimization process of gaussian splatting, towards training seamlessly on arbitrary large scene. Currently, I am supervised by Dr.Bernhard Kerbl.

In my spare time, I often cook. Here is some of my cuisines I made after I come to the United States, and I also work out. If you are at Okaland, Pittsburgh, we can play baskteball together at the Trees Hall.

If you would like to chat about life, cuisine, or CV, CG, or gaussian splatting, please directly send me a email.

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selected publications

  1. CARE-30: A Causally Driven Multi-Modal Model for Enhanced 30-Day ICU Readmission Predictions
    Linna Wang, Leyi Zhao, Zhanpeng Luo, and 3 more authors
    In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), 2023